Premium Domains
Premium Domain names (website addresses) are available for sale!
Get the Domain name (website address) that can give your business a competitive edge!
Premium Australian domain names (Internet addresses) and websites are available for sale!
Domains or website addresses that are generic, descriptive words that people instinctively associate with a particular place, product, or service have become highly prized, simply because generic domains can and do give your online business (web site) a competitive edge!

Site map
Home page – A List of domain names available for sale
Contact us – For all general inquiries or comments, please contact us
Web sites – A List of web sites available for sale
Buying Domain Name(s)
Can anyone purchase a domain name?
No. You must be within auDA policy to own a .au domain name. Generally speaking, you will need an Australian business or an ABN/ACN holder that has a direct or close and substantial relationship to the domain name. For more information, please refer to the auda .au policies.
How do I pay for the domain name I want to purchase?
Once the seller has agreed to sell the domain for the price offered, an auDA accredited domain name registrar is then contacted to make the transfer.
How much does it cost to have a domain name transferred?
The cost of domain name transfers vary between registrars.
For example; I would recommend . They charge no commissions, they simply work as an escrow agent and take care of the domain from seller to buyer for a flat fee. You will need to pay GST and a domain transfer fee of $120 for each domain, which includes 2 years registration for the domain.